Author: Stewart Hare
Allergies are disorders of the immune system, which when a foreign substance that is normally harmless in most people causes an extreme reaction within the body. Contact can be with the skin, lungs, oesophagus, mouth, stomach and intestine and can cause a reaction to those organs plus the musculo-skeletal, genoto-urinary system, bowel, cardio-vascular, nose, eyes and brain. The substances that cause these reactions are called allergens and the person who suffers from this, is said to be allergic to the substance.When an allergen comes into contact with the body, the immune system believes it is under attack and produces antibodies called IgE to fight it. The antibodies trigger chemicals (the main one being histamine) to different organs of our body from mast cells which causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction.The most common allergies are to dust mites, pollen, animal dander in household pets, insect bites, food and drink - the most common being milk, wheat, eggs, fish, soy, citrus fruits, seafood and peanuts, washing powder, cosmetics, toiletries, jewellery, mould and mould fungus, latex and rubber and certain drugs such as antibiotics and anesthetics.Every individual has their own target organ that has more of an allergic reaction than the others organs. Whatever the substance that causes the reaction, the symptoms occurs in the weak target organs whether this is the same point of contact or not. The symptoms as a result from the allergic reaction will be dependant on the function of the afflicted organ and whether it is depressed or excited.The main organs that are affected are the brain, eyes, ears, nose, lungs, heart, skin, bowel, genoto-urinary system and musculo-skeletal system.The brain is the most sensitive of the body's organs and is easily affected by allergies. Mild forms can be as simple as forgetfulness and severe forms can be as serious as dementia. 'Woolly brain syndrome' is a common symptom described by most people who suffer from allergies and this is why most people consider it normal. Other afflictions to the brain are anxiety, depression and panic attacks. The eyes can be affected by becoming watery, red and itchy and also afflicted by conjunctivitis. The mastoid glands in the ears can become affected producing pain and infection. When the nose is affected it can show symptoms such as hay fever, rhinitis, catarrh, blocked nose, sinus pain, sneezing and a running nose. The mouth and throat can be affected by swelling of the lips and tongue, sore throat and coughing. The heart can be affected which can cause hypertension, palpitations and irregular heartbeats. Asthma (wheezing and shortness of breath) and bronchitis can be cause by the lungs being affected and bowel can be affected with Crohn's disease, colitis, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain and vomiting. The skin can be affected becoming itchy, inflamed and having a red rash as with eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and urticaria. Urticaria (hives or nettle rash) can be caused by allergies to bee stings, medicines, animals and foods. The genoto-urinary system can be affected with PMT, cystitis, impotency and frigidity. Arthritis, Myalgia and fibrosis can affect the musculo-skeletal. The most extreme allergic reaction is anaphylaxis.The target organ can change as the body changes, for instance, a child may have eczema as an infant which then changes to hay fever later in childhood which then can change again to migraine attacks in the teenage years which then can change again to arthritis in old age.In the UK, 1 in 3 people will suffer from one or more type of allergy, 1 in 5 suffer from hay fever, 1 in 5 school children suffer from asthma and 6 million people have eczema.Natural substances such as mould, spores, pollen, dust mites, animal dander and insects usually cause an allergic reaction in the upper respiratory systems. They cause redness, itching and fluid in the form of water and mucous and can affect the eyes, nose, sinuses, throat, lungs and bronchial tubes.A person can be allergic to any food, wheat, milk, eggs, corn, yeast, coffee and chocolate are the most common. Food allergies mostly affect the nervous, respiratory, gastrointestinal and skin areas.Allergic reaction can be caused by food additives and environmental chemicals such as chemical sprays, pesticides, hydrocarbons, tobacco smoke plus thousands of others.Allergies to certain foods are associated with certain symptoms. For example, headaches are associated with chocolate and wheat, migraine headaches are associated with milk, eggs, nitrates, alcohol, cheese, chocolate, citrus fruit, nuts, wheat, tomatoes and MSG, eczema is associated with eggs, tomatoes and citrus fruits, hay fever is associated with milk, wheat, cola drinks, chocolate and sulfites, hives are associated with strawberries, nuts, pork, mangoes, tomatoes, eggs, chocolate and shellfish, asthma is associated with wheat and eggs, cerebral symptoms are associated with wheat, corn and Soya beans and childhood allergies are associated with fish, beef, rye, milk, wheat, eggs, peanuts, artificial colourings and flavourings and salicylates.Other factors that can contribute to allergies are bad feeding habits in the baby's first year of life, poor digestion, excess or repeated contact of a particular substance or food, low nutrients level, presents of candida albicans, parasites, worms or other bacteria, stress and environmental toxins.To help eliminate or reduce the symptoms of allergies it is best to consume lots of still mineral water, brown or white rice, fruit juices except citrus fruit juices, lots of vegetables except corn and tomatoes, fish except shellfish, turkey and almonds, sunflower seeds and walnuts.In conclusion, good nutritional health is vital to support our immune systems to help ward off allergic reactions to foods and environmental chemicals. Once a person knows they have an allergy, it is best to avoid that food or chemical, improve nutrition and exercise regime, combat stress and generally support the immune system. It is best not to ignore allergic reactions, as they can lead to further more serious illnesses.
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Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
There's Help for Asthma in Yoga
Author: Foras Aje
Perhaps it was predestined that I should have had asthma as a kid, discover Yoga as an adult, correct my respiratory health with it and now be blessed to write about my experiences with using Yoga (amongst other things) to control my asthma symptoms.If this is the case, then I am honored. Either way it goes, I can say with much confidence that based on my experiences, one helpful exercise for alleviating Asthma symptoms and dealing with its many inconveniences is Yoga.Owing to its gentle poses and stretches and the deep breathing involved in Yoga, certain poses-when used correctly-can be very helpful for smoothening the chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes (airways) that causes swelling and narrowing (constriction) of the airways as is the case in Asthma patients.Furthermore, when using Yoga as an exercise for asthma control, one need not worry about the common exercise-induced asthma attacks that may come as a result of vigorous activity as these poses are very calm and involve very little motionhey, it's Yoga after all.Now, friends, based on my experiences and several studies that support these facts, the following poses can be a powerful add-on therapy to reduce the frequency and intensity of asthma attacks as well as to decrease medication use.The Shoulder Stand & It's Counter Poses for AsthmaInversion poses in yoga drain excess mucus from the lungs and balance the immune system. Now, let me introduce you to perhaps the simplest of these poses, the shoulder stand pose.Although the Shoulder-Stand has been coined by several Yoga sages as a near panacea or cure-all, as far as Asthma is concerned, it is indeed very helpful in regards to relieving excess encumbrances in the respiratory organs and owing to its deep breathing, it increases the lung's airflow, capacity, stamina and efficiency.Here comes the best part, its counter poses. You see, some yoga poses, owing to the execution of them that is, have to be offset by a pose in an opposite spinal direction (another subject, but hopefully you get the gist).Now friends, this Shoulder-stand pose has 2 main counter-poses: the Bridge and the Fish Poses. (No worries they are very simple to perform.) Both of these poses are back bending postures that open up the chest improving both lung and heart functioning.As a matter of fact, the very last pose (the fish pose) is one of the specific poses mentioned by Sri Swami Devananda and IBS Iyengar (two of the most authoritative figures in modern day yoga) as being specifically useful for removing spasms from the bronchial tubes and thus relieving Asthma.Other Helpful Poses:There are other poses such as the forward bends which you can practice specifically if it is more difficult to inhale. These include the Head-knee Pose (Passchimothanasa) and it basically involves grabbing your toes, ankles or feet with the head lowered as far as possible to touch the knees.Now, friends, remember I mentioned counter-poses right? Well, for this particular pose, its counter-poses basically are backward bending poses that include the Incline Pose and Bow Pose.Both of these (especially the latter) open up the chest and should be practiced to aid with exhaling during asthma attacks.Last, but not least is the simple, yet extremely effective Relaxation Pose.Yes, you guessed it right, just simply lie flat on your back and breathe in a controlled and rhythmic pattern. By practicing rhythmic, controlled breathing techniques daily, the respiratory muscles and lungs develop the ability to breathe more slowly all the time, meaning less stress on the airways in general.In addition to these poses, let me briefly mention the 'Bellow's breath exercise' (a yoga breathing exercise) as this helps tremendously. As the name may suggest, it involves purposely pumping the stomach in an inward motion and exhaling through the nose simultaneously in controlled movements. This removes spasms and tones up the respiratory system significantly.At this point, it must be mentioned that Yoga does call for a healthy diet in its use and as a physical and spiritual system; it does call for a mostly vegetarian diet.Friends, for asthma problems, you may want to strongly consider this as giving up all processed foods and animal products such as meat, milk, eggs and the like from your diet is a must and a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the "Breath Retaining Program For Asthmatics" developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko. Within weeks of adhering to this advice, many a chronic asthmatic has been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.So the next time asthma sends you to the doctor, you may do well to ask for a new prescription for asthma treatment-Yoga. I believe it won't hurt and possibly could help you immensely.Foras Aje is an independent health researcher and founder of Bodyhealthsoul.comFor more information on Asthma Treatment stop by his website today.Article Source:
Perhaps it was predestined that I should have had asthma as a kid, discover Yoga as an adult, correct my respiratory health with it and now be blessed to write about my experiences with using Yoga (amongst other things) to control my asthma symptoms.If this is the case, then I am honored. Either way it goes, I can say with much confidence that based on my experiences, one helpful exercise for alleviating Asthma symptoms and dealing with its many inconveniences is Yoga.Owing to its gentle poses and stretches and the deep breathing involved in Yoga, certain poses-when used correctly-can be very helpful for smoothening the chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes (airways) that causes swelling and narrowing (constriction) of the airways as is the case in Asthma patients.Furthermore, when using Yoga as an exercise for asthma control, one need not worry about the common exercise-induced asthma attacks that may come as a result of vigorous activity as these poses are very calm and involve very little motionhey, it's Yoga after all.Now, friends, based on my experiences and several studies that support these facts, the following poses can be a powerful add-on therapy to reduce the frequency and intensity of asthma attacks as well as to decrease medication use.The Shoulder Stand & It's Counter Poses for AsthmaInversion poses in yoga drain excess mucus from the lungs and balance the immune system. Now, let me introduce you to perhaps the simplest of these poses, the shoulder stand pose.Although the Shoulder-Stand has been coined by several Yoga sages as a near panacea or cure-all, as far as Asthma is concerned, it is indeed very helpful in regards to relieving excess encumbrances in the respiratory organs and owing to its deep breathing, it increases the lung's airflow, capacity, stamina and efficiency.Here comes the best part, its counter poses. You see, some yoga poses, owing to the execution of them that is, have to be offset by a pose in an opposite spinal direction (another subject, but hopefully you get the gist).Now friends, this Shoulder-stand pose has 2 main counter-poses: the Bridge and the Fish Poses. (No worries they are very simple to perform.) Both of these poses are back bending postures that open up the chest improving both lung and heart functioning.As a matter of fact, the very last pose (the fish pose) is one of the specific poses mentioned by Sri Swami Devananda and IBS Iyengar (two of the most authoritative figures in modern day yoga) as being specifically useful for removing spasms from the bronchial tubes and thus relieving Asthma.Other Helpful Poses:There are other poses such as the forward bends which you can practice specifically if it is more difficult to inhale. These include the Head-knee Pose (Passchimothanasa) and it basically involves grabbing your toes, ankles or feet with the head lowered as far as possible to touch the knees.Now, friends, remember I mentioned counter-poses right? Well, for this particular pose, its counter-poses basically are backward bending poses that include the Incline Pose and Bow Pose.Both of these (especially the latter) open up the chest and should be practiced to aid with exhaling during asthma attacks.Last, but not least is the simple, yet extremely effective Relaxation Pose.Yes, you guessed it right, just simply lie flat on your back and breathe in a controlled and rhythmic pattern. By practicing rhythmic, controlled breathing techniques daily, the respiratory muscles and lungs develop the ability to breathe more slowly all the time, meaning less stress on the airways in general.In addition to these poses, let me briefly mention the 'Bellow's breath exercise' (a yoga breathing exercise) as this helps tremendously. As the name may suggest, it involves purposely pumping the stomach in an inward motion and exhaling through the nose simultaneously in controlled movements. This removes spasms and tones up the respiratory system significantly.At this point, it must be mentioned that Yoga does call for a healthy diet in its use and as a physical and spiritual system; it does call for a mostly vegetarian diet.Friends, for asthma problems, you may want to strongly consider this as giving up all processed foods and animal products such as meat, milk, eggs and the like from your diet is a must and a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the "Breath Retaining Program For Asthmatics" developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko. Within weeks of adhering to this advice, many a chronic asthmatic has been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.So the next time asthma sends you to the doctor, you may do well to ask for a new prescription for asthma treatment-Yoga. I believe it won't hurt and possibly could help you immensely.Foras Aje is an independent health researcher and founder of Bodyhealthsoul.comFor more information on Asthma Treatment stop by his website today.Article Source:
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Salt Crystal Lamps Create an Environment Rich in Ions that has a Positive Effect on Your Health
Author: Isabella Samovsky
People are becoming increasingly concerned about the poor quality of air that they breathe within office buildings, motor vehicles, and even their own homes. In fact, the EPA notes that levels of air pollutants indoors are typically many times that of outside air, even in smoggy cities. Not only are we exposed to toxic fumes produced by synthetic carpets, electronics and paints, but a sizable portion of the air molecules are positively charged (meaning that they lack an electron). These so-called "positive ions" have been shown to cause stress, headaches, lethargy, and temporary depression.Their chemical opposites -- termed "negative ions" - neutralize positive ions, and thus help to clean the air and reduce those health problems. Moreover, frequent exposure to the negative ions can dramatically increase an individual's energy, mental alertness, and overall sense of well-being. For many years, people suffering from asthma and other symptoms have gained tremendous relief from underground asthma treatment (speleotherapy) in salt mines, where negative ions are plentiful.The most convenient and environmentally friendly way to feel these healthy ions is to take a walk in the park, in the woods or to the sea. Wearing natural fibers and sitting away from the computer as much as possible. To add these healthy ions to your own environment, is to use natural crystal salts, including those that have been crafted into lamps, which generate even more negative ions as a result of the light and heat exposure.The beautiful crystalline structure of ancient salt deposits is a result of their constituent minerals drying under intense pressure, not unlike diamonds. But salt crystals are far more colorful, ranging from light shades of pink, yellow, and orange, to the more intense hues of dark red, deep blues and lavenders. Not only do people find the light of natural salt lamps to be quite soothing, but the negative ions given off by the lamps are the same wonderful ions we smell in the air after a thunderstorm. These ions have a refreshing and energizing effect, helping to purify the air and thereby benefit the people and pets breathing that air.These types of lamps are being used worldwide in holistic spas and medical treatment centers. The most common types of disorders treated are breathing problems, such as asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, and various allergies.The very best salt crystals are those that are mined in an ecologically responsible manner, and crafted by dedicated artisans into attractive and safe lamps that can be used indefinitely. Such lamps have been tested and verified to release ions, even when not lit. They produce the same wonderful ions that we feel after a thunderstorm and when standing close to a natural waterfall. Even though the crystal salts and ions themselves are odorless, people can really feel the difference breathing the energized air. These lamps are a natural alternative to man made machines and offer a radiant and healthy light that can be used in every room of the house and office safely. 2004 2005 www.natural-salt-lamps.comMake an investment today in improving your health and your personal environment. Try some of our natural crystal salt products, and experience what you get when you choose the very best. Chicago, IL 60645 312-224-2710
People are becoming increasingly concerned about the poor quality of air that they breathe within office buildings, motor vehicles, and even their own homes. In fact, the EPA notes that levels of air pollutants indoors are typically many times that of outside air, even in smoggy cities. Not only are we exposed to toxic fumes produced by synthetic carpets, electronics and paints, but a sizable portion of the air molecules are positively charged (meaning that they lack an electron). These so-called "positive ions" have been shown to cause stress, headaches, lethargy, and temporary depression.Their chemical opposites -- termed "negative ions" - neutralize positive ions, and thus help to clean the air and reduce those health problems. Moreover, frequent exposure to the negative ions can dramatically increase an individual's energy, mental alertness, and overall sense of well-being. For many years, people suffering from asthma and other symptoms have gained tremendous relief from underground asthma treatment (speleotherapy) in salt mines, where negative ions are plentiful.The most convenient and environmentally friendly way to feel these healthy ions is to take a walk in the park, in the woods or to the sea. Wearing natural fibers and sitting away from the computer as much as possible. To add these healthy ions to your own environment, is to use natural crystal salts, including those that have been crafted into lamps, which generate even more negative ions as a result of the light and heat exposure.The beautiful crystalline structure of ancient salt deposits is a result of their constituent minerals drying under intense pressure, not unlike diamonds. But salt crystals are far more colorful, ranging from light shades of pink, yellow, and orange, to the more intense hues of dark red, deep blues and lavenders. Not only do people find the light of natural salt lamps to be quite soothing, but the negative ions given off by the lamps are the same wonderful ions we smell in the air after a thunderstorm. These ions have a refreshing and energizing effect, helping to purify the air and thereby benefit the people and pets breathing that air.These types of lamps are being used worldwide in holistic spas and medical treatment centers. The most common types of disorders treated are breathing problems, such as asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, and various allergies.The very best salt crystals are those that are mined in an ecologically responsible manner, and crafted by dedicated artisans into attractive and safe lamps that can be used indefinitely. Such lamps have been tested and verified to release ions, even when not lit. They produce the same wonderful ions that we feel after a thunderstorm and when standing close to a natural waterfall. Even though the crystal salts and ions themselves are odorless, people can really feel the difference breathing the energized air. These lamps are a natural alternative to man made machines and offer a radiant and healthy light that can be used in every room of the house and office safely. 2004 2005 www.natural-salt-lamps.comMake an investment today in improving your health and your personal environment. Try some of our natural crystal salt products, and experience what you get when you choose the very best. Chicago, IL 60645 312-224-2710
Monday, September 28, 2009
How To Use Clenbuterol
Author: Mark Henry
Clenbuterol is a widely used bronchodilator in many parts of the world. Clenbuterol is a very interesting and remarkable compound. Clenbuterol is not a steroid hormone but a beta-2-symphatomimetic. The drug is most often prepared in 20mcg tablets, but it is also available in syrup and injectable form. Clenbuterol belongs to a broad group of drugs knows as sympathomimetics. These drugs affect that sympathetic nervous system in a wide number of ways, largely mediated by the distribution of adrenoceptors. There are actually nine different types of these receptors in the body, which are classified as either alpha or beta and further subcategorized by type number. Depending on the specific affinities of these agents for the various receptors, they can potentially be used in the treatment of conditions such as asthma, hypertension, cardiovascular shock, arrhythmias, migraine headaches and anaphylactic shock. The text Goodman and Gillman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics Edition does a good job of describing the diverse nature in which these drugs affect the body. Clenbuterol, above all, has a strong anticatabolic effect, which means it decreases the rate at which protein is reduced in the muscle cell, consequently causing an enlargement of muscle cells. Most of the actions of catecholamines and sympathomimetic agents can be classified into seven broad types: (1) peripheral excitatory action on certain types of smooth muscles such as those in blood vessels supplying the skin, kidney, and mucous membranes, and on the gland cells, such as those of the salivary and sweat glands; (2) a peripheral inhibitory action on certain other types of smooth muscle, such as those in the wall of the gut, in the bronchial tree, and in blood vessels supplying skeletal muscle; (3) a cardiac excitatory action, responsible for in increase in heart rate and force of contraction; (4) metabolic actions, such as an increase in the rate of glycogenolysis in liver and muscle and liberation of free fatty acids from adipose tissue; (5) endocrine actions, such as modulation of the secretion of insulin, rennin, and pituitary hormones; (6) CNS actions, such as respiratory stimulation and, with some of the drugs, an increase in wakefulness and psychomotor activity and a reduction in appetite; and (7) presynaptic actions that result in either inhibition or facilitation of the release of the neurotransmitters such as such as norepinephrine and acetylcholine." The drug clenbuterol is specifically a selective beta-2 sympathomimetic, primarily affecting only one of the three subsets of beta-receptors. Of particular interest is the fact that this drug has little beta-1 stimulating activity. Since beta-1 receptors are closely tied to the cardiac effects of these agents, this allows clenbuterol to reduce reversible airway obstruction (and effect of beta-2 stimulation) with much less cardiovascular side effects compared to nonselective beta agonists. Clinical studies with this drug show it is extremely effective as a bronchodilator, with a low level of user complaints and high patient compliance. Clenbuterol also exhibits an extremely long half-life in the body, which is measured to be approximately 34 hours. This makes steady blood levels easy to achieve, requiring only a single or twice daily dosing schedule at most. This of course makes it much easier for the patient to use, and may tie in to its high compliance rate. In spite that clenbuterol is available in a wide number of other countries however; this compound has never been approved for use in the United States. The fact that there are a number of similar, effective asthma medications already available in this country may have something to do with this, as a prospective drug firm would likely not find it a profitable enough product to warrant undergoing the expense of the FDA approval process. Regardless, foreign clenbuterol preparations are widely available on the U.S. black market. HOW TO USE CLENBUTEROL: Numerous athletes use Clenbuterol after steroid treatment to balance the resulting catabolic phase and thus obtain maximum strength and muscle mass. A further aspect of Clenbuterol is its distinct fatburning effect. Clenbuterol burns fat without dieting because it increases the body temperature slightly, forcing the body to burn fat for this process. Due to the higher body temperature Clenbuterol magnifies the effect of anabolic/androgenic steroids taken simultaneously CLENBUTEROL DOSAGE: Athletes usually take 100-140 mcg/day. For women 80-100 mcg/day are usually sufficient, It is important that the athlete begin by taking only one tablet on the first day and then increasing the dosage by one tablet each of the following days until the desired maximum dosage is reached. The compound is usually taken over a period of 8-10 weeks. Since Clenbuterol is not a hormone compound. It has no has no side effects typical of anabolic steroids. For this reason it is also liked by women. Side Effects of Arimidex: Possible side effects of Clenbuterol include restlessness, palpitations, tremor (involuntary trembling of fingers), headache, increased perspiration, insomnia, possible muscle spasms, increased blood pressure, and nausea. Note that these side effects are of a temporary nature and usually subside after 8-10 days, despite continuation of the product.
Clenbuterol is a widely used bronchodilator in many parts of the world. Clenbuterol is a very interesting and remarkable compound. Clenbuterol is not a steroid hormone but a beta-2-symphatomimetic. The drug is most often prepared in 20mcg tablets, but it is also available in syrup and injectable form. Clenbuterol belongs to a broad group of drugs knows as sympathomimetics. These drugs affect that sympathetic nervous system in a wide number of ways, largely mediated by the distribution of adrenoceptors. There are actually nine different types of these receptors in the body, which are classified as either alpha or beta and further subcategorized by type number. Depending on the specific affinities of these agents for the various receptors, they can potentially be used in the treatment of conditions such as asthma, hypertension, cardiovascular shock, arrhythmias, migraine headaches and anaphylactic shock. The text Goodman and Gillman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics Edition does a good job of describing the diverse nature in which these drugs affect the body. Clenbuterol, above all, has a strong anticatabolic effect, which means it decreases the rate at which protein is reduced in the muscle cell, consequently causing an enlargement of muscle cells. Most of the actions of catecholamines and sympathomimetic agents can be classified into seven broad types: (1) peripheral excitatory action on certain types of smooth muscles such as those in blood vessels supplying the skin, kidney, and mucous membranes, and on the gland cells, such as those of the salivary and sweat glands; (2) a peripheral inhibitory action on certain other types of smooth muscle, such as those in the wall of the gut, in the bronchial tree, and in blood vessels supplying skeletal muscle; (3) a cardiac excitatory action, responsible for in increase in heart rate and force of contraction; (4) metabolic actions, such as an increase in the rate of glycogenolysis in liver and muscle and liberation of free fatty acids from adipose tissue; (5) endocrine actions, such as modulation of the secretion of insulin, rennin, and pituitary hormones; (6) CNS actions, such as respiratory stimulation and, with some of the drugs, an increase in wakefulness and psychomotor activity and a reduction in appetite; and (7) presynaptic actions that result in either inhibition or facilitation of the release of the neurotransmitters such as such as norepinephrine and acetylcholine." The drug clenbuterol is specifically a selective beta-2 sympathomimetic, primarily affecting only one of the three subsets of beta-receptors. Of particular interest is the fact that this drug has little beta-1 stimulating activity. Since beta-1 receptors are closely tied to the cardiac effects of these agents, this allows clenbuterol to reduce reversible airway obstruction (and effect of beta-2 stimulation) with much less cardiovascular side effects compared to nonselective beta agonists. Clinical studies with this drug show it is extremely effective as a bronchodilator, with a low level of user complaints and high patient compliance. Clenbuterol also exhibits an extremely long half-life in the body, which is measured to be approximately 34 hours. This makes steady blood levels easy to achieve, requiring only a single or twice daily dosing schedule at most. This of course makes it much easier for the patient to use, and may tie in to its high compliance rate. In spite that clenbuterol is available in a wide number of other countries however; this compound has never been approved for use in the United States. The fact that there are a number of similar, effective asthma medications already available in this country may have something to do with this, as a prospective drug firm would likely not find it a profitable enough product to warrant undergoing the expense of the FDA approval process. Regardless, foreign clenbuterol preparations are widely available on the U.S. black market. HOW TO USE CLENBUTEROL: Numerous athletes use Clenbuterol after steroid treatment to balance the resulting catabolic phase and thus obtain maximum strength and muscle mass. A further aspect of Clenbuterol is its distinct fatburning effect. Clenbuterol burns fat without dieting because it increases the body temperature slightly, forcing the body to burn fat for this process. Due to the higher body temperature Clenbuterol magnifies the effect of anabolic/androgenic steroids taken simultaneously CLENBUTEROL DOSAGE: Athletes usually take 100-140 mcg/day. For women 80-100 mcg/day are usually sufficient, It is important that the athlete begin by taking only one tablet on the first day and then increasing the dosage by one tablet each of the following days until the desired maximum dosage is reached. The compound is usually taken over a period of 8-10 weeks. Since Clenbuterol is not a hormone compound. It has no has no side effects typical of anabolic steroids. For this reason it is also liked by women. Side Effects of Arimidex: Possible side effects of Clenbuterol include restlessness, palpitations, tremor (involuntary trembling of fingers), headache, increased perspiration, insomnia, possible muscle spasms, increased blood pressure, and nausea. Note that these side effects are of a temporary nature and usually subside after 8-10 days, despite continuation of the product.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
How To Beat And Control Asthma.
Author: Mike Hince
After having my own Son who was a chronic Asthma suffer when he was younger, and having the knowledge just how bad this condition can be I understand what a constant battle to breathe it can be. It's almost as thou you want to breathe for them. In my Son's case the more he struggled to breathe, the more his temperature went up, which again caused other problems.Often we would have to rush him to Hospital to be given life saving treatment, so when I began to look into this subject it bought back many frightening memories. The hours my Wife and myself have spent waiting in Hospitals listening to every breath he took, and thankfully there was always great Doctor's and Hospital staff to help, and understand what you and our Son was going through.It was quite an eye opener as we tried different things to combat different allergies, as along with the Asthma came Eczema as well. We already new about Dust Mites from our local Doctor, and the vacuum cleaner was always out day and night. Many things were tried like Goat's Milk, and it almost seemed so frustrating as the more things you tried the worse things seemed to get.To a certain extent we were lucky that our local Doctor was a Chest Specialist, and he was always sympathetic to our Son's condition. We learnt a lot in those days, and I guess were still learning now although my Son is now an adult, and rarely suffers.Having an interest in Alternative Medicine I came across a website that kept me enthralled for quite some time. Now I have to say at this point that some Medical articles, or some Medical website's can be quite boring, but this one was a breath of fresh air. (No pun intended) It was written by a Lady by the name of Karen Beattie who like my own son had serious Asthma problems. She tells how with the aid of clinical trials she has learnt to overcome the effects of Asthma without the aid of drugs. Also she explains how the same report can help sufferers of Sinus and Allergies.All this helps her to lead a normal life, and also enables her to sleep better, and she claims that this will work with anyone who uses the report. I don't at this stage want to make this sound like an advert as Asthma is a serious thing, and should be treated with respect. Over the years you learn all sorts of information like that of my Father who also was a sufferer. We lived out in the country with a lot of land, and at a certain time of year a weed would grow which caused to severe attacks. Our job then as a family was to pull out or cut down this weed, and then burn as much as we could to alleviate his problems.For those who don't know anything about Asthma I'll give a brief description, although I have to say I'm no medical expert. In Asthma attacks the airways in the lungs are constricted which causes the sufferer to gasp for breath as most of the lungs are closed off for a normal air flow. Not having oxygen in the lungs tends to want to shut the body down. The attacks can be caused by all forms of allergies, and the most common is Dust Mites, or animals such as Cats or Dogs.From my own point of view it's nice to know that there are alternatives as I shudder to think about the amounts of drugs my Son has had to take.
After having my own Son who was a chronic Asthma suffer when he was younger, and having the knowledge just how bad this condition can be I understand what a constant battle to breathe it can be. It's almost as thou you want to breathe for them. In my Son's case the more he struggled to breathe, the more his temperature went up, which again caused other problems.Often we would have to rush him to Hospital to be given life saving treatment, so when I began to look into this subject it bought back many frightening memories. The hours my Wife and myself have spent waiting in Hospitals listening to every breath he took, and thankfully there was always great Doctor's and Hospital staff to help, and understand what you and our Son was going through.It was quite an eye opener as we tried different things to combat different allergies, as along with the Asthma came Eczema as well. We already new about Dust Mites from our local Doctor, and the vacuum cleaner was always out day and night. Many things were tried like Goat's Milk, and it almost seemed so frustrating as the more things you tried the worse things seemed to get.To a certain extent we were lucky that our local Doctor was a Chest Specialist, and he was always sympathetic to our Son's condition. We learnt a lot in those days, and I guess were still learning now although my Son is now an adult, and rarely suffers.Having an interest in Alternative Medicine I came across a website that kept me enthralled for quite some time. Now I have to say at this point that some Medical articles, or some Medical website's can be quite boring, but this one was a breath of fresh air. (No pun intended) It was written by a Lady by the name of Karen Beattie who like my own son had serious Asthma problems. She tells how with the aid of clinical trials she has learnt to overcome the effects of Asthma without the aid of drugs. Also she explains how the same report can help sufferers of Sinus and Allergies.All this helps her to lead a normal life, and also enables her to sleep better, and she claims that this will work with anyone who uses the report. I don't at this stage want to make this sound like an advert as Asthma is a serious thing, and should be treated with respect. Over the years you learn all sorts of information like that of my Father who also was a sufferer. We lived out in the country with a lot of land, and at a certain time of year a weed would grow which caused to severe attacks. Our job then as a family was to pull out or cut down this weed, and then burn as much as we could to alleviate his problems.For those who don't know anything about Asthma I'll give a brief description, although I have to say I'm no medical expert. In Asthma attacks the airways in the lungs are constricted which causes the sufferer to gasp for breath as most of the lungs are closed off for a normal air flow. Not having oxygen in the lungs tends to want to shut the body down. The attacks can be caused by all forms of allergies, and the most common is Dust Mites, or animals such as Cats or Dogs.From my own point of view it's nice to know that there are alternatives as I shudder to think about the amounts of drugs my Son has had to take.
Asthma and Allergies - Stopping Moisture From Entering Your Home From Cracks That Cause Toxic Mold
Author: Art Emiss
One of the biggest problems we find in our Environmental Inspections is poor quality maintenance of the exterior part of homes, condos or apartments. For instance, yesterday, we did an inspection of a house that was painted 3 years ago, it was a poor quality paint job also. There were approximately 59 cracks on the entire house that were allowing moisture to enter the house. This creates a serious problem especially in a hot and humid climate. Every time it rains, the crack separates a little more and allows moisture to enter the home and thus causes toxic mold.That is why it is important to monitor the exterior of your house for cracks. My own house, I inspect and repair all cracks every 6 months so it does not get out of hand. If you do not, black mold will eventually start forming on the interior walls behind the drywall. This is a given not a possibility. When we do our inspections, the first thing we do is walk the exterior looking for cracks, that way it makes it easier to find a wet wall on the interior of the house.If you are not a professional, it is important to determine the cause of the crack. This may be a job for a pro such as a licensed General Contractor. They can look and just tell you why the crack is there. Cracks can also form from water leaks that get under the stucco. If you want to repair your own masonry cracks, the following tips can be helpful in solving your problem. These tips are not set in stone, so if you encounter a problem, consult with a licensed General Contractor before continuing on with the work or repairing the cracks.1. Before you attempt to fix a crack in a masonry or stucco wall, look closely at the wall. Look above it for additional cracks especially if it looks like a moisture crack from above.2. If it is a moisture crack, you must find where the moisture is coming from. Then investigate and solve the reason for the water leak that will stop it. Remember that unless you treat the cause of the moisture, the repair will only be temporary and will return.3. Foundation cracks are not to be repaired by a homeowner. Example, a long crack along the lower area adjacent to the floor level. I found one the other day that was 20 feet long, recommended to the client they retain a Structural Engineer to look at the problem. This is an example of a more serious problem starting to happen.4. If you are planning on doing the crack repair yourself, use a chisel or a thin masonry grinder wheel to remove the mortar to a depth of 1/2 inch. It should be in outside in V-cut to get it to stick in crevice. Clean out the area, clean it and then wet the area. Let area dry a little before applying the new mortar. The area should be damp not wet. You can pick up the mortar at at Home Depot or Lowe's. When you mix it, use it before 15 minutes or it will crack on you. Do not apply in full Sun Light, only in shade.5. Trowel it on the crack (push it in the V-Cut crack) and let it dry. Keep area damp for 3 days to prevent cracking. If crack is over 3/8 inch, it should inspected by a professional. If you have never done this before, it might take a little practice. Let it dry overnight. Do not paint this area for thirty days till it cures. If you do not let the mortar cure, the paint might peel on you.In conclusion, moisture from cracks in masonry walls can cause toxic black mold that can affect people with Asthma and Allergies. If you do not know what you are doing, consult with a licensed General Contractor to determine the cause of the masonry cracks. A masonry crack on a lower wall can be a foundation crack and must be inspected by a Structural Engineer. If you are going to attempt to fix your own masonry cracks, do not use caulking. It is only a temporary fix. By using masonry mortar applied properly to a wall crack that has be prepared the right way, the repair will be permanent.If you have any questions, feel free to contact us or visit our website.
One of the biggest problems we find in our Environmental Inspections is poor quality maintenance of the exterior part of homes, condos or apartments. For instance, yesterday, we did an inspection of a house that was painted 3 years ago, it was a poor quality paint job also. There were approximately 59 cracks on the entire house that were allowing moisture to enter the house. This creates a serious problem especially in a hot and humid climate. Every time it rains, the crack separates a little more and allows moisture to enter the home and thus causes toxic mold.That is why it is important to monitor the exterior of your house for cracks. My own house, I inspect and repair all cracks every 6 months so it does not get out of hand. If you do not, black mold will eventually start forming on the interior walls behind the drywall. This is a given not a possibility. When we do our inspections, the first thing we do is walk the exterior looking for cracks, that way it makes it easier to find a wet wall on the interior of the house.If you are not a professional, it is important to determine the cause of the crack. This may be a job for a pro such as a licensed General Contractor. They can look and just tell you why the crack is there. Cracks can also form from water leaks that get under the stucco. If you want to repair your own masonry cracks, the following tips can be helpful in solving your problem. These tips are not set in stone, so if you encounter a problem, consult with a licensed General Contractor before continuing on with the work or repairing the cracks.1. Before you attempt to fix a crack in a masonry or stucco wall, look closely at the wall. Look above it for additional cracks especially if it looks like a moisture crack from above.2. If it is a moisture crack, you must find where the moisture is coming from. Then investigate and solve the reason for the water leak that will stop it. Remember that unless you treat the cause of the moisture, the repair will only be temporary and will return.3. Foundation cracks are not to be repaired by a homeowner. Example, a long crack along the lower area adjacent to the floor level. I found one the other day that was 20 feet long, recommended to the client they retain a Structural Engineer to look at the problem. This is an example of a more serious problem starting to happen.4. If you are planning on doing the crack repair yourself, use a chisel or a thin masonry grinder wheel to remove the mortar to a depth of 1/2 inch. It should be in outside in V-cut to get it to stick in crevice. Clean out the area, clean it and then wet the area. Let area dry a little before applying the new mortar. The area should be damp not wet. You can pick up the mortar at at Home Depot or Lowe's. When you mix it, use it before 15 minutes or it will crack on you. Do not apply in full Sun Light, only in shade.5. Trowel it on the crack (push it in the V-Cut crack) and let it dry. Keep area damp for 3 days to prevent cracking. If crack is over 3/8 inch, it should inspected by a professional. If you have never done this before, it might take a little practice. Let it dry overnight. Do not paint this area for thirty days till it cures. If you do not let the mortar cure, the paint might peel on you.In conclusion, moisture from cracks in masonry walls can cause toxic black mold that can affect people with Asthma and Allergies. If you do not know what you are doing, consult with a licensed General Contractor to determine the cause of the masonry cracks. A masonry crack on a lower wall can be a foundation crack and must be inspected by a Structural Engineer. If you are going to attempt to fix your own masonry cracks, do not use caulking. It is only a temporary fix. By using masonry mortar applied properly to a wall crack that has be prepared the right way, the repair will be permanent.If you have any questions, feel free to contact us or visit our website.
To learn more about your home, visit our website at or
Mr. Art Emiss is available as a professional speaker to help educate your community or group function on Asthma, Allergies, Mold, Indoor Air Quality and the Chemically Injured. Visit our website and sign up for our Free Air Conditioning Filter Change Reminder Service.
Why Do So Many People Seem To Have Allergies?
Author: Susan Yurek
Allergies and asthma arise from loss of the body's natural resistance to allergens, often beginning with early exposure to secondary smoke, industrial chemicals and asbestos, and the incredibly intensive chemical farming and industrial treatment, of the foods we eat, and fabrics we wear and sleep on.Our ancestors did not suffer these maladies as pervasively as we do, because modern industry since WWII has chemically saturated everything: our homes, fabrics, foods, and air. For centuries, even as late as the 19th and early 20th centuries, organic cotton and natural woolens were taken for granted. What we now must label organic bedding, organic cotton and organic wool, were then simply called "blankets, sheets, cottons and woolens."Chemicals:Petrochemical based foams often contain VOC's (volatile organic compounds), which emit, or "off gas" over time into the air. Formaldehyde, a probable carcinogenic VOC, identified by the US EPA as a dangerous indoor pollutant, is found in most furniture (foam, fabric), pressed-wood products (plywood, chipboard), carpet glues and fabrics, including conventional, non organic bedding.Thus, your conventional mattress and sheets may be part of the problem. Replace them with a set of untreated organic cotton sheets (also called Green Cotton, or Brown Cotton). Now your body will at least rest on something bit a cleaner. Eventually, you should consider virgin wool-fill pillows, comforters and a mattress systems that use no petrochemicals. Replace foams and synthetics with organic wool, organic cotton or hemp. These natural fibers breathe better, and so do their owners.Dust Mite Wars:Doctors and organizations such as the United States EPA, and the American Lung Association, have identified dust mite allergens as the cause of asthma, coughing, congestion and other health problems, especially among children."...environmental control may be the single most important step to prevent the onset of acute asthma attacks.", writes Michael LeNoir, MD an Oakland California Adult Allergy Specialist.Many synthetic materials, and chemically processed down, feathers, polyfills and foams, provide marvelous nesting opportunities for dust mites. Wool fill organic bedding, on the other hand, actually repels dust mites, but may not be as cheap to produce.The stuffing in pillows and comforters can harbor dust mites, especially feathers and other supposed natural fillers. These materials tend to adsorb the moisture from your breath as you sleep, providing the perfect dust-mite habitat. Did you know you exhale around one pint of warm water vapor each night as you sleep? The perfect environment for dust mites!Dust-mites are actually tiny spiders that live in bedrooms, mattresses, carpets, furniture and bedding. Invisible to the human eye, they often live on shed skin, which comprises approx. 80% of common house dust. Dust mites need shed skin, moisture and warmth to survive. Dust mites leave microscopic droppings, which when airborne and inhaled, cause allergic reactions in many people.Until you can sensibly replace bedding with virgin wool-fill organic bedding and organic cotton fabrics, begin by washing your bedding in warm or hot water once or twice a week. (And watch out for phosphates in detergents!) You can also get serious, and place "barrier cloth" covers over your mattress and pillows, which do not allow mites into these items. Try to stay away from synthetics.What's up with wool? Is it an allergen? Everybody thinks they are allergic to wool. Some are allergic to Lanolin, but most are not, and are reacting instead to the harsh chemicals usually applied to wool clothing and bedding.The natural lanolin in wool repels dust-mites. Virgin wool is also a naturally resistant to water and odor. Most people find organic wool totally non-allergenic and softer than conventional wool, making it an ideal filler for bedding and pillows. Wool in organic bedding and pillows also breathes extremely well, keeping you cool in summer, warm in winter but never too hot!Remember too, happy organically raised sheep are a sustainable natural resource, as long as we care for them.Susan Fullen-Yurek is a freelance author and earth-friendly products entrepreneur with an e-commerce site,, featuring organic bedding with organically raised wool-fills, and organic cotton products. Information for portions of this article generously shared by David Sparrow, The link between health and environmental awareness marks a return to natural common sense, and a more healthful future.
Allergies and asthma arise from loss of the body's natural resistance to allergens, often beginning with early exposure to secondary smoke, industrial chemicals and asbestos, and the incredibly intensive chemical farming and industrial treatment, of the foods we eat, and fabrics we wear and sleep on.Our ancestors did not suffer these maladies as pervasively as we do, because modern industry since WWII has chemically saturated everything: our homes, fabrics, foods, and air. For centuries, even as late as the 19th and early 20th centuries, organic cotton and natural woolens were taken for granted. What we now must label organic bedding, organic cotton and organic wool, were then simply called "blankets, sheets, cottons and woolens."Chemicals:Petrochemical based foams often contain VOC's (volatile organic compounds), which emit, or "off gas" over time into the air. Formaldehyde, a probable carcinogenic VOC, identified by the US EPA as a dangerous indoor pollutant, is found in most furniture (foam, fabric), pressed-wood products (plywood, chipboard), carpet glues and fabrics, including conventional, non organic bedding.Thus, your conventional mattress and sheets may be part of the problem. Replace them with a set of untreated organic cotton sheets (also called Green Cotton, or Brown Cotton). Now your body will at least rest on something bit a cleaner. Eventually, you should consider virgin wool-fill pillows, comforters and a mattress systems that use no petrochemicals. Replace foams and synthetics with organic wool, organic cotton or hemp. These natural fibers breathe better, and so do their owners.Dust Mite Wars:Doctors and organizations such as the United States EPA, and the American Lung Association, have identified dust mite allergens as the cause of asthma, coughing, congestion and other health problems, especially among children."...environmental control may be the single most important step to prevent the onset of acute asthma attacks.", writes Michael LeNoir, MD an Oakland California Adult Allergy Specialist.Many synthetic materials, and chemically processed down, feathers, polyfills and foams, provide marvelous nesting opportunities for dust mites. Wool fill organic bedding, on the other hand, actually repels dust mites, but may not be as cheap to produce.The stuffing in pillows and comforters can harbor dust mites, especially feathers and other supposed natural fillers. These materials tend to adsorb the moisture from your breath as you sleep, providing the perfect dust-mite habitat. Did you know you exhale around one pint of warm water vapor each night as you sleep? The perfect environment for dust mites!Dust-mites are actually tiny spiders that live in bedrooms, mattresses, carpets, furniture and bedding. Invisible to the human eye, they often live on shed skin, which comprises approx. 80% of common house dust. Dust mites need shed skin, moisture and warmth to survive. Dust mites leave microscopic droppings, which when airborne and inhaled, cause allergic reactions in many people.Until you can sensibly replace bedding with virgin wool-fill organic bedding and organic cotton fabrics, begin by washing your bedding in warm or hot water once or twice a week. (And watch out for phosphates in detergents!) You can also get serious, and place "barrier cloth" covers over your mattress and pillows, which do not allow mites into these items. Try to stay away from synthetics.What's up with wool? Is it an allergen? Everybody thinks they are allergic to wool. Some are allergic to Lanolin, but most are not, and are reacting instead to the harsh chemicals usually applied to wool clothing and bedding.The natural lanolin in wool repels dust-mites. Virgin wool is also a naturally resistant to water and odor. Most people find organic wool totally non-allergenic and softer than conventional wool, making it an ideal filler for bedding and pillows. Wool in organic bedding and pillows also breathes extremely well, keeping you cool in summer, warm in winter but never too hot!Remember too, happy organically raised sheep are a sustainable natural resource, as long as we care for them.Susan Fullen-Yurek is a freelance author and earth-friendly products entrepreneur with an e-commerce site,, featuring organic bedding with organically raised wool-fills, and organic cotton products. Information for portions of this article generously shared by David Sparrow, The link between health and environmental awareness marks a return to natural common sense, and a more healthful future.
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