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Sunday, September 27, 2009

How To Beat And Control Asthma.

Author: Mike Hince

Source: articledashboard.com

After having my own Son who was a chronic Asthma suffer when he was younger, and having the knowledge just how bad this condition can be I understand what a constant battle to breathe it can be. It's almost as thou you want to breathe for them. In my Son's case the more he struggled to breathe, the more his temperature went up, which again caused other problems.Often we would have to rush him to Hospital to be given life saving treatment, so when I began to look into this subject it bought back many frightening memories. The hours my Wife and myself have spent waiting in Hospitals listening to every breath he took, and thankfully there was always great Doctor's and Hospital staff to help, and understand what you and our Son was going through.It was quite an eye opener as we tried different things to combat different allergies, as along with the Asthma came Eczema as well. We already new about Dust Mites from our local Doctor, and the vacuum cleaner was always out day and night. Many things were tried like Goat's Milk, and it almost seemed so frustrating as the more things you tried the worse things seemed to get.To a certain extent we were lucky that our local Doctor was a Chest Specialist, and he was always sympathetic to our Son's condition. We learnt a lot in those days, and I guess were still learning now although my Son is now an adult, and rarely suffers.Having an interest in Alternative Medicine I came across a website that kept me enthralled for quite some time. Now I have to say at this point that some Medical articles, or some Medical website's can be quite boring, but this one was a breath of fresh air. (No pun intended) It was written by a Lady by the name of Karen Beattie who like my own son had serious Asthma problems. She tells how with the aid of clinical trials she has learnt to overcome the effects of Asthma without the aid of drugs. Also she explains how the same report can help sufferers of Sinus and Allergies.All this helps her to lead a normal life, and also enables her to sleep better, and she claims that this will work with anyone who uses the report. I don't at this stage want to make this sound like an advert as Asthma is a serious thing, and should be treated with respect. Over the years you learn all sorts of information like that of my Father who also was a sufferer. We lived out in the country with a lot of land, and at a certain time of year a weed would grow which caused to severe attacks. Our job then as a family was to pull out or cut down this weed, and then burn as much as we could to alleviate his problems.For those who don't know anything about Asthma I'll give a brief description, although I have to say I'm no medical expert. In Asthma attacks the airways in the lungs are constricted which causes the sufferer to gasp for breath as most of the lungs are closed off for a normal air flow. Not having oxygen in the lungs tends to want to shut the body down. The attacks can be caused by all forms of allergies, and the most common is Dust Mites, or animals such as Cats or Dogs.From my own point of view it's nice to know that there are alternatives as I shudder to think about the amounts of drugs my Son has had to take.

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