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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Understanding Asthma Medicine

Author: Dan Lanicek

Source: articledashboard.com

Asthma medicine helps prevent the symptoms of asthma that inhibit the possibility of doing activities that you want to when you want to do them. Symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing can be prevented completely or to some degree by using the correct asthma medication. There are generally two types of asthma medicine - controllers and relievers. Controllers are typically used every day, sometimes twice a day. Controllers prevent asthma symptoms, asthma attacks, and lung damage by relaxing and widening the airways in the body. Some also reduce swelling of the airways. Controllers should not be used to relieve asthma symptoms. Controller medication is most often inhaled and side effects may include fast heartbeat, nervousness, headaches, and hoarseness or coughing. Relievers are not taken on a daily basis like controllers and are used as needed typically during asthma attacks or as preventative to them. Relievers work to quickly open the narrowed airways of a person suffering from an asthma attack. A majority of relievers are a type of medicine called bronchodilators. Bronchodilators are inhaled and quickly relax and open airways. Side effects of relievers may include fast heartbeat, nervousness or restlessness, dry mouth, or shaky hands. Since reliever medicine quickly reduces asthma symptoms, people with asthma sometimes tend to use them too often. Often overuse is from using the relievers as preventatives before activities that may not necessarily cause asthma symptoms. However, this overuse of relievers can cause problems. Using a reliever too much can actually make your asthma symptoms worse or cause your heart to beat too fast or in an odd rhythm. If you suffer from asthma, it is always a good idea to have at least a 30-day supply of both your controller medicine and your reliever medicine. It is important to understand how your asthma medicine works and what the possible side effects are. If you are unsure, talk to your doctor to get all the information you need on asthma medication and do your own research to learn all you can about asthma and asthma medication.

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